Customer Information (click on the icons for more information)

To place an order by phone, call our Main Office "800" Number 800-535-4535 or any Local Branch 800 Number in our " BRANCHES" page, Monday through Friday during normal business hours in the Pacific Time Zone. Our sales representatives will be available to assist with your Inquiries & orders.
You may FAX your orders 24 Hours a Day to our Main Office at 800-835-3100. You can detach or copy our order form. To Insure prompt processing please provide the following: 1) Account Number 2) Billing and Shipping Address 3) Purchase Order Number 4) Contact Name, Telephone Number and Fax Number 5) Product Number/ Description 6) Unit of Measure 7) Quantity Desired
Our Online Catalog offers access to our Up-To-Date Full Product Line, Monthly Specials, Manufacturer Specials, Promotions, and New Products. You Can Place Orders Online 24 Hours A Day Through Our Firm's State-Of-The-Art Electronic Order Entry And Account Access System.
To place orders using the Pearson Dental Mobile Purchasing APP, you will need to download the FREE APP for smartphones and tablets at the GooglePlayTM. For iPhones® & iPad® users you can download the FREE APP at the Apple App Store®. In order to place orders customers will need their account number and password to log-in. The Pearson Dental Mobile Purchasing APP is 100% secure and features Bar Code Scanner recognition as well as access to specials and promotions.
The following terms and conditions apply to the exportation of the shipment of your order:
A minimum order of $250 is required for all internet orders outside of the United States.
Pearson Dental is not liable for the shipment of your order once it is released to a transportation carrier.
Customer is responsible to be informed of the rules and regulations of the destined country for importing of dental/medical merchandise, and is also responsible for clearing the shipment with their own customs broker, pay all related fees (i.e. clearance, duties, taxes and all other fees relating to the clearance of shipment in their respective country). These charges are recipient's responsibility.

For the convenience to our customers, we offer several different payment options. For open credit accounts, please fill out our credit application form. These accounts are subject to our open account terms pending credit approval. Satisfactory credit references are required. Your account payment will be due upon receipt of your monthly statement.
Pearson Will Ship Your Order C.O.D. Only For Customers Who Have Established Accounts. However, There is a Limit Of $250.00 for Company Checks. We Will Accept A Bank Check, Money Order, Or Cashier Check. Please Note: There Is A $21.00 C.O.D. Charge Plus Shipping Charges Per Order
On credit card purchases, we accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. Please have your credit card number and expiration date ready when ordering. We can also keep an open account for credit card purchasing. Credit card order will ship only to credit card holders name and address.

All orders are shipped FOB (Freight on Board). Freight charges are added to invoice based on weight, package sizes, and zip code. There are additional freight charges for large heavy cases of disposable goods, equipment, hazardous and refrigerated items. Insurance can be added to freight on equipment and sensitive products that exceed $350 in value. All orders are shipped. There are no customer pick-ups.
*Pearson does not ship to P.O. Boxes or Hotels.
The shipping of orders to addresses classified by UPS as "residential" results in a higher shipping charge, approximately 50% greater than commercial addresses.
*Pearson does not ship to P.O. Boxes or Hotels.
If the carrier is unable to deliver packages as addressed or if the address is incorrect, incomplete or invalid (given by the customer) additional charges will be added or billed to customer.
*Pearson does not ship to P.O. Boxes or Hotels.
If the carrier is unable to deliver packages as addressed or if the address is incorrect, incomplete or invalid (given by the customer) additional charges will be added or billed to customer.
*Pearson does not ship to P.O. Boxes or Hotels.
For faster delivery, we offer UPS Next Day and Second Day Service for which additional shipping fees will be charged. We also offer Fedex Priority and Fedex Standard Service.
Important: We will not be held responsible for crediting customers on shipping charges for expedited delivery due to Acts of God including weather delays, natural disasters, labor disputes, or if transportation is stopped due to any security reguolations imposed by the government which can cause shipment delays.
All Hazardous products will have
an Additional $54.25 charge due to Dept. of Transportation Regulations. Hazardous materials may not be shipped by air (for example: Alcohol, Methanol, Ethanol, Laboratory Reagents, or anything flammable). No returns will be accepted. All Refrigerated Items are non-returnable and are shipped Next Day Air. All Next day shipping charges are added to Invoice.

When returning merchandise, we will ask for the invoice number and date of purchase, item number, quantity and reason for return. All returns must be accompanied by either the original or a verifiable copy of the invoice within 30 days of original purchase date. All return merchandise is subject to inspection. Any merchandise returned to us in unacceptable condition will NOT be eligible for credit. A minimum restocking fee of 10% or more will be applied to all returns over 30 days from the date of purchase. We will replace or repair defective items based on Manufacturers' policies. Dated items, refrigerated products and misused or abused Items will not be accepted for return. Products returned as defective will not be credited until this has been verified by the manufacturer in the form of a credit or exchange.
Pharmaceuticals are non-returnable for credit or exchange.

To enable us to ship to you in compliance with the law, we are required to request that you supply us with a copy of your DEA Registration Certificate and Physician License prior to your first order. In order to purchase Items such as needles, syringes, I.V. Products, anesthetics and pharmaceuticals.