Acrylic Dispensers (2) |
Acrylic Disposable Brushes (1) |
Acrylic Polishing Kit (1) |
Acrylic Polishing Paste (3) |
Acrylic Primers (2) |
Acrylic Relief Burs (2) |
Acrylic Retention Burs (1) |
Acrylic Trimmer (1) |
Air Guns (3) |
Air/Gas Valves (2) |
Alcohol Lamps (9) |
Alcohol Torches (4) |
Alloy Grinders (4) |
Alloys, Non-Precious (13) |
Alternative To Vacuum (1) |
Anti Greening Liquid (3) |
Arbor Bands (4) |
Arch Trimmer (2) |
Articulator w/ Unique Jaw movement (5) |
Articulators, Aluminum (Light-Weight) (2) |
Articulators, Bronze (C&B) (2) |
Articulators, Bronze (Denture) (5) |
Articulators, Chrome (C&B) (5) |
Articulators, Chrome (Denture) (7) |
Articulators, Crown & Bridge (Spring Type) (3) |
Articulators, Disposable (16) |
Articulators, Disposable Pin (2) |
Articulators, Face Bows (11) |
Articulators, Fully-Adjustable (17) |
Articulators, Magnetic (13) |
Articulators, Mounting Plates (20) |
Articulators, Plasterless (7) |
Articulators, Semi-Adjustable (21) |
Attachments by DFS (1) |
Attachments by Evelyn (5) |
Attachments by Medesco (4) |
Attachments by Preat (29) |
Attachments, Ceka (24) |
Attachments, Hospimed (5) |
Attachments, Magnetic (6) |
Attachments, Preat (3) |
Attachments, Rhein 83 (60) |
Ball Clasps (4) |
Bite/Facial Gauge (15) |
Block Out Compounds (1) |
Blockout Resin, Light Cure (3) |
Border Molding for Impression Trays (3) |
Bow Compass Caliper (1) |
Boxes, Membrane (7) |
Brass Dowel Pins (6) |
Bristle Brushes (HP Shank) (15) |
Bristle Brushes, HP (Lab) (10) |
Bristle Brushes, HP (Prophy) (3) |
Bristle Brushes, Star Shape HP Shank (2) |
Brushes (Sable) (15) |
Brushes (Sable), Miscellaneous (8) |
Brushes, Cotton, Mini (1) |
Brushes, Denture (3) |
Brushes, for Liquids (2) |
Brushes, Hatho Lathe (2) |
Brushes, Impregnated (2) |
Brushes, Mini Polishing (1) |
Brushes, Palatinal (1) |
Brushes, Scrub (2) |
Brushes, Washout (1) |
Brushes, Zirconia Stain (1) |
Buffs, Cloth (2) |
Buffs, Flannel (2) |
Buffs, Leather (5) |
Buffs, Mounted Polishing (10) |
Buffs, Muslin (10) |
Buffs, Muslin (Cotton/Cloth) (2) |
Buffs, Muslin (Hardened Center) (8) |
Buffs, Muslin (Mini) (3) |
Buffs, Muslin (Stitched/Reinforced) (6) |
Buffs, Other (6) |
Buffs, Palatte Muslin (1) |
BUffs, Ring (1) |
Buffs, Soft Polishing (1) |
Bunsen Burners (9) |
Burn Out Ovens (4) |
Burning Alcohol (2) |
Butane Torches (12) |
C & B Platic Boxes (8) |
Calipers, Compass (1) |
Casting Identification Stamps (1) |
Casting Machines (2) |
Casting Ring Liners (3) |
Casting Tape (1) |
Casting Tongs (2) |
Casting Wells (2) |
Casting, Ringless (8) |
Ceramic Separator Pens (2) |
Ceramic Separators (7) |
Chisels for Acrylic (2) |
Chrome Cobalt Alloys (4) |
Chrome Polish (1) |
Chrome/Metal Polishing Paste (2) |
Clasp Repair (1) |
Clear Aligner Boxes (2) |
Composite Sculpturing Brushes (1) |
Composite Tissue Shade for Attachment (1) |
Cooling Spray (3) |
Cotton Buffs for Lathe (3) |
Cotton Buffs HP Shank (2) |
Crown Calipers (3) |
Crucible Formers (3) |
Curing Units (Air Pressure) (3) |
Curing Units (Boil-Out) (12) |
Curing Units (Water Pressure) (4) |
Cyanoacrylate Accelerators (1) |
Cyanoacrylate Adhesives (7) |
Cyanoacrylate Debonder (1) |
Debubblizers (8) |
Delivery Bags (3) |
Denture Acrylic, Add-On (1) |
Denture Air Barrier (1) |
Denture Box Patient Kits (1) |
Denture Characterizing (2) |
Denture I.D. Systems (1) |
Denture Mesh Strengtheners (8) |
Denture Resin, Composite (1) |
Denture Stabilizer (1) |
Dial Calipers (2) |
Diamond Discs, Sintered (HP Shank) (13) |
Diamond Plaster Discs (4) |
Diamond Wheels, Sintered (1) |
Die Block-Out (6) |
Die Hardeners (5) |
Die Lubricants (5) |
Die Marking Pencils (2) |
Die Material Adhesives (10) |
Die Material Silicone (3) |
Die Prep Kits (1) |
Die Spacers (7) |
Die Stone Liquid (1) |
Die Stones, Bulk (11) |
Die Stones, CADCAM (4) |
Die Stones, Color Changing (2) |
Die Stones, Pre-Measured Envelopes (5) |
Die-Lok Trays (2) |
Dipping Pots (5) |
Doriot Handpieces (4) |
Dowel Pin Locators (3) |
Dowel Pins w/ Sleeve (13) |
Dowel Pins, Specialty (2) |
Duplicating Flasks (4) |
Duplicating Machines (1) |
Duplicating Materials (7) |
Dust Collector Parts (6) |
Dust Collectors (20) |
Dust Collectors, Bench Top (3) |
Dust Collectors, Compact/Portable (1) |
Dust Collectors, Under Bench (13) |
Electro Polishers (1) |
Emergency Maxillofacial Splints (2) |
Engine Belts (1) |
Engines, Belt Driven (6) |
Epoxy Die Materials (1) |
Etching Material Neutralizer (2) |
Etching Materials, Porcelain (4) |
Face Bow Alignment Gauge (1) |
Fiber Splint Cutter (1) |
Flask & Compress (10) |
Flask Knock Out Discs (1) |
Flasks, Pour (2) |
Flexible Denture Systems (9) |
Gingival Mask Silicone Automix (2) |
Gingival Mask Silicone, CADCAM Compatible (2) |
Gingival Silicone Mask Cartridges (8) |
Gingival Tissue, Soft (1) |
Gold Platers (3) |
Gypsum Abrasive/Adjustment Kit (1) |
Gypsum Additives Liquids (1) |
Gypsum Hardeners (4) |
Gypsum Remover (1) |
Gypsum Separator (4) |
Habras Brush, Mini (4) |
Hanging Engine Handpieces (12) |
Hanging Engines (3) |
Head Electric Handpieces (1) |
High Speed Air Driven Handpieces (Laboratory) (18) |
High Speed Handpiece w/ Single Air Intake (1) |
Honeycomb Trays (9) |
Hydraulic Press (1) |
Impression Tray Handles (2) |
Instrument Bench Stand (1) |
Insulating Paste for Acrylics (3) |
Interdental Lab Polishers, HP (1) |
Investing Units (7) |
Investment Deodorizer (1) |
Investment Remover/Neutralizer (2) |
Investments, Chrome Cobalt (4) |
Investments, High Heat (11) |
Investments, Low Heat (4) |
Investments, Pressable Ceramics (2) |
Investments, Refractory (2) |
Investments, Soldering (1) |
Lab Mailing Boxes (2) |
Lab Pans (5) |
Lab Stones (9) |
Laboratory Bench Lamps (9) |
Laboratory Benches (31) |
Laboratory Benches w/ Suction (1) |
Laboratory Chairs/Stools (2) |
Laboratory Handpiece Replacements (Electric) (4) |
Laboratory Handpieces, Brushless (15) |
Laboratory Handpieces, Electric (Units) (17) |
Laser Welding Products (2) |
Lathe Brushes (13) |
Lathe Brushes w/ Interleaved Inserts (2) |
Lathe Brushes w/ Linen Insert (3) |
Lathe Brushes w/ Scotchbrite Insert (3) |
Lathe Brushes, Wood Hub (21) |
Lathe Carbide Burs (1/4" Shank) (8) |
Lathe Chuck, Arbor Band (5) |
Lathe Chuck, Bur (4) |
Lathe Chuck, Stone (5) |
Lathe Chuck, Tapered (Buff) (7) |
Lathe Chucks, Jacobs (12) |
Lathe Sanding Sleeves (1) |
Lathe Wheels (5) |
Lathes (13) |
Liquid Dispensing Unit (4) |
Lithium Disilicate Ingots (9) |
Magnetic Discs for Articulators (1) |
Magnifiers, Table Top (1) |
Mallets, Laboratory (2) |
Manual Press for Dentures (3) |
Margin Roller/Burnisher (2) |
Mesh Retention Waxes (2) |
Milling Machines (1) |
Mixing Cups, Porcelain (1) |
Mixing Cups, Stainless Steel (2) |
Mixing Device w/ Vacuum (2) |
Model Dip Hardener (2) |
Model Duplication (7) |
Model Formers (12) |
Model Gloss (3) |
Model Trimmer Parts (5) |
Model Trimmer Wheels (8) |
Model Trimmers (14) |
Model Trimmers, Dry (5) |
Model/Gypsum Prep Kit (1) |
Mounted Stones (4) |
Mounted Stones for Alloys (26) |
Mounting Stones (3) |
Mouth Guard Straps (1) |
Mouthguard Cases (2) |
Mouthguard Finishing Kit (1) |
Mouthguard Tray Material (Square 5x5) (2) |
Mouthguard, Boil & Bite (4) |
Mouthguards, Sports (13) |
Nightguard (2) |
Nightguard/Bruxism Material (1) |
Non-Mandrel Polisher (1) |
Occlusal Indicator (1) |
Opaquer, Light Cure (1) |
Oven Firing Cups (1) |
Pattern Adhesives (1) |
Peek Processing Kit (1) |
Pin Setting Machines (11) |
Pindex Pinning Machine Drills (15) |
Pindex Pins (3) |
Plaster Bins (1) |
Plaster Bins/Traps (2) |
Plaster Knives (14) |
Plaster Nippers (9) |
Plaster Traps w/ Liners (4) |
Plaster Traps, Disposable (3) |
Plaster, Lab (3) |
Plaster, Orthodontic (6) |
Pneumatic Chisels (3) |
Polishers, Elastic Abrasive Fiber (1) |
Polishers, Occlusal (3) |
Polishing Compound for Alloy (12) |
Polishing Compound, Universal (2) |
Polishing Compounds for Acrylics (8) |
Polishing Felt Buffs (4) |
Polishing Felt Buffs, Cone (5) |
Polishing Felts, Diamond Impregnated (3) |
Porcelain (Low Fusing) (6) |
Porcelain (Modifiers/Stains) (14) |
Porcelain (Opaque) (13) |
Porcelain (Pressable) (19) |
Porcelain (Zirconia) (38) |
Porcelain Build Up (1) |
Porcelain Build-Up Liquids (9) |
Porcelain Ceramic Knives (4) |
Porcelain Color Build-Up Liquid (2) |
Porcelain Condenser (2) |
Porcelain Condenser Instrument (1) |
Porcelain Condensing Liquids (1) |
Porcelain Dry-Out Liquids (1) |
Porcelain Enhancement Liquid (3) |
Porcelain Fixing Gel (1) |
Porcelain Glaze (4) |
Porcelain Glaze & Stain Medium (6) |
Porcelain Humidors (24) |
Porcelain Instruments (7) |
Porcelain Liquids (4) |
Porcelain Mixing Sticks (3) |
Porcelain Non-Greening Medium (1) |
Porcelain Opaque Liquid (6) |
Porcelain Ovens (1) |
Porcelain Oxide Lightener Liquid (1) |
Porcelain Powder (Metal Bonding) (96) |
Porcelain Powder (Bleaching) (5) |
Porcelain Powder (Body/Gingival) (8) |
Porcelain Powder (Margin) (4) |
Porcelain Powder (Opal/Incisal) (17) |
Porcelain Powder (Opaque) (14) |
Porcelain Powder (Shoulder) (4) |
Porcelain Powder (Titanium Bonding) (25) |
Porcelain Powder (Veneer) (1) |
Porcelain Primers (4) |
Porcelain Repair Kits (12) |
Porcelain Sculpturing Instruments (17) |
Porcelain Specialty Instruments (8) |
Porcelain Wash Liquid (1) |
Porcelain, Pressable Spacers (1) |
Pre-Formed Wax Patterns (3) |
Preparation Wax (1) |
Pressable Ceramic Polishers (1) |
Primers, Ceramic (3) |
Primers, Metal (5) |
Primers, Plastic (2) |
Pumice (3) |
Pumice (Unidose) (1) |
Pumice Disinfectant (2) |
Pumice Substitute (2) |
Quick Chucks (4) |
Reline Jigs (4) |
Retainer Boxes (Imprinted) (2) |
Retainer Boxes For Aligner (1) |
Retainer Boxes, Deluxe (10) |
Retainer Boxes, Foam Filler (1) |
Retainer Boxes, Glitter/Sapphire (2) |
Retainer Boxes, Marbleized (12) |
Retainer Boxes, Mini (1) |
Retainer Boxes, Scented (3) |
Retainer Boxes, Vented (2) |
Retainer Boxes, with Mirror (6) |
Retainer Boxes/Bath (14) |
Retainer Cases, Label (1) |
Routers (3) |
Rubber Polishers, Clasp (4) |
Rubber Polishers, FG Shank (7) |
Rubber Polishers, HP Shank (7) |
Rubber Polishers, Knife Edge (1) |
Rubber Polishers, RA Shank (6) |
Rubber Polishers, Wheel (11) |
Ruler (8) |
Safety Shields for Grinding (3) |
Sager Tray Metal Pins/Pegs (3) |
Sagger Trays (33) |
Saw Frames and Blades (5) |
Scales (1) |
Scissors, Vacuum Forming Material Trimming (1) |
Scoops for Gypsums (1) |
Silane Agent (4) |
Silicone Duplicating Material (3) |
Silicone Lab Putty (17) |
Silicone Sprays (1) |
Sintered Diamond Disc for Model/Plaster (1) |
Smooth and Stippled Casting Wax (4) |
Solder With Incorporated Flux (1) |
Solders (8) |
Splash Hoods for Lathe (Metal) (10) |
Splash Hoods for Lathe (Plastic) (2) |
Splint Reinforcement (Fiber) (33) |
Splinting Material, Nylon/Stainless (1) |
Spot Welder (1) |
Stain Pallets (4) |
Steam Cleaning Units (20) |
Surface Treatment System (1) |
Surgical/Periodontal Reinforcement (2) |
Surveyors (4) |
Teeth (Composite) (42) |
Teeth (Digital Denture) (26) |
Teeth (Gold) (4) |
Teeth (Plastic 2 Layers), Anterior (194) |
Teeth (Plastic 2 Layers), Posterior (224) |
Teeth (Plastic 3 Layers), Anterior (268) |
Teeth (Plastic 3 Layers), Posterior (168) |
Teeth (Plastic 4 Layers), Anterior (14) |
Teeth (Plastic 4 Layers), Posterior (12) |
Teeth (Premium Plastic) (147) |
Teeth, Baby (1) |
Teeth, Bladed (6) |
Teeth, Porcelain (Anterior) (232) |
Teeth, Porcelain (Posterior) (90) |
Thermoplastic Milling Discs, 98mm (2) |
Tin Foil for Dentures (1) |
Tin Foil Substitute (17) |
Torches, Casting (4) |
Torches, Flameless (4) |
Torches, Table Top (4) |
Transport Bags (4) |
Tray Material, Light Cure (9) |
Tray Material, Self-Cure (6) |
Trubyte Mould Guides (1) |
Vacuum Forming Crown & Bridge Material (Round) (1) |
Vacuum Forming Crown & Bridge Material (Square) (1) |
Vacuum Forming Dual Laminate Soft/Hard (Round) (3) |
Vacuum Forming Dual Laminate Soft/Hard (Square) (4) |
Vacuum Forming Laminate Colored (Round 125mm) (4) |
Vacuum Forming Laminate Colored (Square 5"x5") (5) |
Vacuum Forming Machines (13) |
Vacuum Forming Material Mouthguard Customization (1) |
Vacuum Forming Material Trimmers (2) |
Vacuum Forming Material, Clear Soft (Round) (2) |
Vacuum Forming Material, Clear Soft (Square 5"x5") (3) |
Vacuum Forming Material, Coping (Round 125mm) (1) |
Vacuum Forming Material, Coping (Square 5"x5") (4) |
Vacuum Forming Material, Nightguard (Round 125mm) (1) |
Vacuum Forming Material, Nightguard (Square 5x5) (2) |
Vacuum Forming Material, Soft EVA/Bleach (Round) (3) |
Vacuum Forming Material, Soft EVA/Bleach (Square) (7) |
Vacuum Forming Material, Spacer Foam (Square) (1) |
Vacuum Forming Material, Sports Guard (Round 125m) (3) |
Vacuum Forming Material, Sports Guard (Square) (4) |
Vacuum Forming Materials, Base Plate(Round 125mm) (8) |
Vacuum Forming Materials, Base Plate(Square 5"x5") (12) |
Vacuum Forming Materials, Colored (Round 125mm) (5) |
Vacuum Forming Materials, Colored (Square 5"x5") (6) |
Vacuum Forming Materials, Surgical Splint (Round) (4) |
Vacuum Forming Materials, Surgical Splint (Square) (6) |
Vacuum Forming Scented/Colored Mouthguards (Round) (1) |
Vacuum Forming Thermal Knife w/ Electric Motor (1) |
Vacuum Forming Thermal Knives (1) |
Vacuum Forming Thermal Pliers (1) |
Vacuum Pumps (1) |
Vent Hoods (1) |
Vibrators, Rectangular Style (7) |
Vibrators, Round Style (7) |
Vulcanite Scrapers (4) |
Wax Brushes (3) |
Wax Carver With Interchangeable Tips (5) |
Wax Carvers w/ Heat Resistant Handle (4) |
Wax Carvers, La Frienier (3) |
Wax Carvers, Lab/Denture Work (17) |
Wax Carvers, LeCron/Hylin (11) |
Wax Carvers, Modeling (1) |
Wax Carvers, Modeling/Sculpting (8) |
Wax Carvers, PK Thomas (15) |
Wax Carvers, Roach (5) |
Wax Carvers, Traditional (1) |
Wax Heaters (2) |
Wax Iron Spatula (For Melting) (1) |
Wax Knives (17) |
Wax Pontics, Pre-Formed (6) |
Wax Spatulas for Denture Work (22) |
Waxing Units (14) |
Waxing Units, Battery Operated (1) |
Waxing/Ceramic Comprehensive Kits (3) |
Wheel Saw Burs (1) |
Wire Gauge (1) |